$160 per month - which is for (4) 30 minute lessons.
Lessons are once a week, same day/time every week.
Tuition is a set rate for the month so it is important to choose a day/time that will work for you on an ongoing basis.
Sundays 12pm-7pm PST
Mondays 3pm-9pm PST
Tuesdays 3pm-9pm PST
Wednesdays 3pm-9pm PST
Please let me know by email if you are not going to make a lesson.
I’m not able to reschedule or offer makeup lessons.
Student absences will not be deducted from the monthly tuition.
Payment is due at the first lesson of the month which guarantees your spot for that month.
I accept payment by personal check, venmo, paypal and zelle.
A $10 late fee will be added to payments not received by the second lesson of the month.
Payments not received by the third week will result in the loss of your permanent lesson time.
Students will not be charged for any day(s) that I have to miss.
Please give at least 2 week’s notice when discontinuing lessons.
Sheet music to favorite songs. I am open to playing just about anything. Let me know what would be fun and we’ll learn it!
Books - to be determined on an individual basis
Folder or 3 ring binder for printouts
Music stand
A reliable internet connection
Desktop, laptop or tablet. Using a phone is not possible, for the visual aspect, sound quality and some music will be shared on screen.
An audio playback device - bluetooth speaker, stereo, computer etc.
95% of what we will do in the lessons will have a play along track. Because of the slight time delay students will need to operate the play alongs during the lessons on their end. Having the play alongs and a way to practice with them outside of the lesson is crucial to students progressing forward and it makes it more fun to practice too.
10 Minutes - warming up - technique. Exercises in breathing, flexibility, tone, finger dexterity, posture, etc.
10 Minutes - songs, etudes, classical solo literature, jazz etudes, jazz improv, theory, etc.
10 Minutes - free time, sight-reading, unassigned music the student would like to learn, school music, preparing for an audition, TV or movie themes, how to play their favorite CD - classical, jazz, hip hop, rock, etc. It doesn’t even have to have trumpet in it. If the student doesn’t have anything they would like to work on, we will either keep working on the assignments, do some sight reading or listening.
Students are expected to practice 30 minutes a day or more because studying music involves more than just attending weekly lessons. The best way to practice is to set aside a time and place everyday where there are no distractions. This time should include a warm up, practice of your assignments, and school music. Playing through the easy parts may be fun, but it is not practicing--improving on the challenging parts is. Students who repeatedly come unprepared will be asked to discontinue lessons until they find the time to take it seriously.